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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Jedi Arts
![]() ![]() ![]() CONTROL
Absorb/Dissipate Energy - This power allows the Jedi to absorb or dissipate energy, including light, heat, radiation, and blaster bolts.
Accelerate Healing - The Jedi uses this power to speed up their natural healing process.
Concentration - With this ability, a Jedi clears out all nevative thoughts from his or her mind, feeling the Force flowing through the universe and themselves. I would use much scrutiny if a Dark Side character uses this power (Dark Jedi get the same effects as this power by feeding off of the Dark side, among other things.)
Contort/Escape - Escape from bonds by dislocating joints, softening your own bones! While indeed painful, Jedi can block the pain out of their mind.
Control Disease - The character can make himself recover from diseases quicker than usual.
Control Pain - Essentially, you can ignore the pain while using this ability. Then your adrenaline runs out after the fight, and you pass out.
Detoxify Poison - Detoxifies or ejects a poison that has entered your body.
Emptiness - Empty your mind completely and allow the Force to have its way with you. While in emptiness, a character appears to be in a trance and can not move. While in emptiness, the character may not be sensed through the Force. After the character comes out of emptiness, he is refreshed and is stronger in the Force for a period of time equal to the length of the trance. (The Jedi becomes stronger in one Force attribute. The actual amount of strength gained is determined by the Control attribute itself)
Enhance Attribute - Use this ability to increase an attribute for a short period of time. Attributes refer to things like intelligence, strength and agility. For instance, you could use this power to increase the distance of your jumping ability!
Force of Will - This power is the ability to use your strength of will to defend against hostile Force powers, such as telekinetic and mental attacks. This power does not work against Force Lightning or Force Storms.
Hibernation Trance - The Jedi can place himself into a deep trance, slowing all bodily functions. Allows the character to survive when he is low on supplies.
Reduce Injury - Similar to Control Pain, but with this power you literally control how much damage happens to your body.
Remain Conscious - Allows the character to remain conscious even after he has sustained injuries that should have knocked him out.
Remove Fatigue - This power allows for greater stamina. The Jedi can push himself far past his physical limits. Through the Force, he can eject naturally occurring toxins (such as lactic acid) from his body.
Resist Stun - This allows the Jedi to prepare his body to resist the effects of stun damage. The character must be prepared before the damage is done.
Short-Term Memory Enhancement - Using this power, the Jedi can recall events of the recent past. The Jedi can even scan his memory for information that did not consciously register when he first observed the event.
Beast Languages - The Jedi can translate an animal's thoughts, then speak to it in return.
Combat Sense - Using this ability, all that the Jedi sees is the battle around him. Everything outside of the battle is dulled, and targets become highlighted mentally.
Danger Sense - C'mon! You never read or saw "Spider Man?" This power is a lot like his spider sense!
Empathy - This allows the user to experience the emotions of a sentient individual. No actual thoughts can be read.
Life Detection - The character can detect live sentient beings who would otherwise stay hidden from their normal senses.
Life Sense - The Jedi can identify a specific person that they are searching for. They can detect if that person is hurt, diseased or less than healthy.
Life Web - Use this power to detect a large group (I mean large!) of a particular race. It must be a race that the character has encountered before, and the group of beings has to be 100,000 or larger.
Magnify Senses - A character can use this power to enhance his senses to see, hear, taste, feel or smell better.
Merge Senses - The character can use this to perceive things through the senses of another creature (of animal intelligence or less). All five senses are able to be linked. The Jedi's body remains motionless for the duration of the merging, and their own senses are unable to function until the meld is broken. The link is immediately ended if the creature or the Jedi dies. If the creature suffers any damage or dies during the meld, the Jedi is immediately stunned for 5 or 10 minutes (5 if creature is hurt, 10 if creature is dead).
Poison Sense - Related to Danger Sense but not dependent upon that power, Poison Sense allows the user to sense, in advance, any contaminants or other factors that could make a substance dangerous to ingest.
Postcognition - The character can visualize the events regarding a particular location or object. He must be in physical contact with the object, or he must be at the location, for the power to work.
Predict Natural Disaster - The character can predict earthquakes, tidal waves and things of that nature with reasonable accuracy, up to two days in advance.
Receptive Telepathy - Jedi can attempt to read the surface thoughts of a target. (Hey, if you use this power you better e-mail the target before you go reading their thoughts! Otherwise, you won't know what they are thinking and they may not want to think about what you say they are thinking about.)
Sense Force - This is used to sense the ambient Force within a location. It cannot be used to detect sentient beings, but there is other life in the universe that it can be used to detect.
Sense Force Potential - With this power, a Jedi can probe the mind of an individual and determine whether or not they have the potential to wield the Force.
Sense Path - The Jedi can use this power to determine if he is on the right path that will lead to his appropriate destiny. He can also discern whether or not his present actions will lead him to the Dark Side.
Shift Sense - The Jedi can change how he sees, smells, tastes or hears something. He can see into the infrared spectrum, smell specific chemical combinations or hear frequencies his race was not meant to hear.
Translation - The character can translate and speak a language that he has not previously encountered. This saves a lot of time that would go toward those Rodian language correspondence courses!
Weather Sense - The Jedi can sense the weather patterns and predict the weather. He must be acclimatized to the local weather patterns, but his predictions will be accurate for up to four hours!
Telekinesis - This power allows the Jedi to move and levitate objects in anyway or anywhere he desires. He can levitate several objects simultaneously. He can also use this power to levitate himself or others. If levitated objects are used to attack other characters, the Jedi has opened himself up to the Dark Side and may be consumed by it.
Farseeing - The user of this power sees the person or events as they are currently happening. The character may also see the past or the future with this ability. Of course, the past and present are set and those events are seen as they occurred. The future is never certain and the vision may or may not actually come to pass.
Instinctive Astrogation - The Jedi can use the Force to figure out the safest, quickest or most elusive route to his destination through hyperspace.
Life Bond - A Jedi can use the Force to permanently form a mental link between him and one other individual (normally a mate). Sometimes a sibling, a child, a student or a close friend is the object of the Life Bond. By concentrating on the other character, the Jedi can learn detailed information about that other character (their emotional state, if they are in danger, where they are, etc.)
Lightsaber Combat - To use a lightsaber most effectively, a Jedi uses this ability. With this power, he can control the weapon easier, sense his opponents actions and deflect/redirect blaster bolts.
Natural Navigation - This power prevents the user from becoming lost, as long as the person has a map or some sense of appropriate direction. If the individual has no idea of the surroundings, they can still discern the magnetic north using this ability.
Projective Telepathy - The Character can send his thoughts to a target. The target can hear his thoughts and feel the emotions of the Jedi. The target does not know who the Jedi is unless he identifies himself.
Accelerate Another's Healing - Speed up the healing of a friend or companion.
Control Another's Disease - The Jedi can help another character recover from a disease quicker than usual. The Jedi must be in contact with the person they are trying to affect.
Control Another's Pain - The character can help another character to not feel their pain. The Jedi must be in contact with the person they are trying to affect.
Control Breathing - The Jedi can control the amount of air that flows into his body. He could effectively breathe underwater, by bringing the necessary element (oxygen for humans) through his skin rather than through his lungs. This will not work in Space, for obvious reasons.
Detoxify Poison in Another - The Jedi can remove poisonous agents from someone else. The Jedi must be in contact with the person they are trying to affect.
Place Another in Hibernation Trance - The Jedi can place someone else into a hibernation trance. The affected character must consent to the "shut down." This power can not be used to knock out an opponent. The Jedi must be in contact with the person they are trying to affect.
Remove Another's Fatigue - This power allows the Jedi to restore another character's stamina. The Jedi must be in contact with the person they are trying to affect.
Return Another to Consciousness - The Jedi can use the Force to return a target to consciousness. The Jedi must be in contact with the person they are trying to affect.
Transfer Force - The Jedi can save a dying character by transferring his life energy to that person. The dying character is automatically placed into a trance, and can stay in that state for up to six weeks. The Jedi must be in contact with the person they are trying to affect.
Affect Mind - "These are not the droids you are looking for." 'Nuff said!
Battle Meditation* - Two possible effects: the Jedi can force his adversaries to stop their attack and begin to fight each other...or...the Jedi can also make his allies' will to win stronger, while weakening the resolve of the enemy. The targets of this power must have initiated combat for the power to work. Battle Meditation has its limits, however. A Jedi's Sense attribute determines how effective this power will be. If his Sense is 50 or less, he will only be able to affect about 40 people. Up to 75, he will able to affect about 150 people. Up to 100, he can affect about 1250 people. get in touch with me for particulars, or simply don't get carried away if I have allowed your character to have this power. Due to the powerful scope of this ability, it is suggested that only veteran Jedi Masters or seasoned Jedi Knights use this power (within limits of justified reasons, of course.) due to its highly unstable, controversial application.
Enhanced Coordination - The Jedi can coordinate the activities of a group to increase their effectiveness at a given task. The Emperor often used this power to increase the abilities of his troops. This power can only be used on individuals who have agreed to be willing targets for it.
Force Harmony - This power allows several willing Jedi to manifest the power of the Light Side. The power is evidenced by a celestial illumination of Light Side energy. It can act as a shield against the Dark Side! It does not cancel out the presence of the Dark Side, but it does confuse the servants of Darkness, making their actions more difficult.
Ion Generation - These ions have a soothing effect on most beings. Ion generation will help calm lost tempers and promote a feeling of good will. The power will add 10 ranks to interpersonal skills such as Willpower, Bargain, Command, Con and Persuasion.
Projected Fighting** - The Jedi can use this power to strike an opponent without physically touching them.
Dim Other's Senses - This power can be used by the Jedi to reduce the awareness of a target.
Lesser Force Shield - The Jedi surrounds himself with a Force-generated shield. The shield repels energy and physical matter up to a damage rank of 10 or one quarter the average of the Sense and Alter attribute ranks (whichever is higher). It can block objects down to a molecular level.
*Battle Meditation is excessively powerful! I refuse to allow just anybody and everybody to be able to use it! Too powerful! Like the ability to wield the Powers of the Sith, you must gain my blessing before using this power in the Battle Zone!
**Projected Fighting is a potentially dangerous skill. If you wish to remain with the Light Side, only use it in the defense of others and only to stun an opponent (never to cause pain and/or injury).
![]() Disciplines:
After a Master is satisfied that a student has mastered the basics he promotes the student to the rank of Apprentice and allows him to choose a Discipline. The most common of the Light disciplines are: Artificer, Factotum, Investigator, Meditative, Naturalist, and Warrior.
The Artificers are the creators, tinkers, and inventors of the Jedi Knights. They tend to be very technical in nature and posses heightened mechanical empathy. A good example of an Artificer is Cay Qel-Droma who would rather tune a lightsaber blade than listen to his Master’s stories.
![]() Master Artificer: Anakin Skywalker
Skills: Astrogation, and Computer Programming/Repair plus . . .
Pick five from the following: Droid Programming, Droid Repair, Ground Vehicle Repair, Repulsorlift Repair, Space Transports Repair, Starship Repair, Starship Weapons Repair, Cybernetics Repair, Security, Blaster Repair, Capital Ship Repair, Armor Repair, Walker Repair, Lightsaber Repair, Sensors, Capital Ship Piloting, Capital Ship Shields, Communications, Ground Vehicle Operation, Repulsorlift Operation, Powersuit Operation, Space Transports, Starship Piloting, and Starship Shields.
Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Instinctive Astrogation, Magnify Senses, Speak with Machines, CyberLocke, Cyber Sense and Conduit.
Total Powers: Control = 4, Sense = 6, Alter = 1
Recommended Studying: Warp Matter, Lightsaber Combat, Commune with Machines, Thermogenesis and Transmutation.
Factotums (Peacekeepers) are Jacks-of-all-trades. They tend to be speakers, storytellers, educators and the like. They are trained to adapt to any environment and are given a pretty wide berth when choosing their studies. Factotum is the only Discipline where an Apprentice does not have to tie himself down to one Master. These students tend to roam the universe seeking knowledge from Master to Master (but, as always, what a Master says goes . . . an Apprentice may not take his leave without his current Master’s permission). Many governmental leaders prefer liberal advisors and request Factotums. In general, if you don’t know what you want to study, be a Factotum.
![]() Factotum Master: Luke Skywalker
Skills: Pick your four favorite attributes. In Attribute #1 choose 3 skills, 2 skills in Attributes 2&3, and one in the fourth. Chosen skills may not be part of the Core Curriculum.
Powers: Choose two powers from each other discipline which are unique to it.
Recommended Studying: Anything and Everything
Whenever there is a mystery or report of Sith activity, an Investigator (often referred to as "Shadows" in some circles) is sent to check it out. These are the detectives, archeologists, and spies of the Jedi. They search for Sith strongholds, research artifacts, infiltrate enemy organizations and solve enigmas of all sorts. These are the rarest of the Jedi and finding a Master is a near impossible task. It is currently under discussion in the Jedi Council to discontinue these teachings due to the risk of losing an undercover Jedi to Dark temptations and the moral dilemmas of teaching deceptive arts. Exar Kun may have been an Investigator before turning.
![]() Master Investigator: Exar Kun
Skills: Bureaucracy, Streetwise, Archeology (a Knowledge based skill), Investigation, Search, Sneak, Security, Hide, and Persuasion.
Powers: Contort/Escape, Affect Mind, Dim Other’s Senses, Eclipse, Raise/Break Morale, Danger Sense, Enhance Attribute, Magnify Senses, Postcognition and Disguise.
Total Powers: Control = 5, Sense = 8, and Alter = 3.
Recommended Studying: Force of Will, Remain Conscious, Short-Term Memory Enhancement, Lighsaber Combat, Combat Sense, Storytelling, Cyber Sense, CyberLocke, Speak with Machines, Eyes of the Eagle, Mental Translocation, Induced Sleep, Lesser Force Shield, Force Bolt, and Doppleganger.
Those who study the meditative arts prefer to exercise their minds, not muscle. They are the thinkers and masters of the mind and spirit. In times of conflict they coordinate the Warriors’ actions through their powerful Jedi Battle Meditation while shattering their enemies’ wills to win. Make no mistakes, they may not charge into battle with lightsaber drawn, but are among the most brave and powerful of the Knighthood. To find an example of a Meditative master, look no further then the legendary Nomi Sunrider.
![]() Meditative Master Nomi Sunrider
Skills: Tactics, Survival, Persuasion, History: Jedi, Stamina, Scholar: Area of Interest, and Law: Republic.
Powers: Affect Mind, Emptiness, Force of Will, Postcognition, Affect Emotions, Raise/Break Morale, Enhanced Coordination, Short-Term Memory Enhancement.
Total Powers: Control = 5, Sense = 5, Alter = 3.
Recommended Studying: Farseeing, Remove Fatigue, Storytelling, Instinctive Astrogation, Anticipation, Lightsaber Combat, Danger Sense, Commune with Nature, Commune with Machines, Life Bond, Place Another in Hibernation.
The Force is created by all living things, and therefore must be protected. These Jedi have a special connection with Nature and all life. They are much more than simple park rangers yet far removed from eco-terrorists. They are often sent to frontier worlds to help in the formation of colonies and adapting to alien life. If you wanna scrap with a Naturalist, you gotta go through his Rancor pets. The Twi’lek Jedi Tott Doneeta displayed some of these abilities.
![]() Naturalist/Meditative Master: Yoda
Skills: Tracking, Search, Survival, Hide, Sneak, Climbing/Jumping, Running, Beast Riding, and First-Aid.
Powers: Detoxify Poison, Fertilize, Weather Sense, Beast Languages, Commune with Nature, Eyes of the Eagle, Call Animal, Control Animal, Accelerate Another’s Healing, Emptiness, and Magnify Senses.
Total Powers: Control = 8, Sense = 5, and Alter = 3.
Recommend Studying: All "Healing" Powers (Naturalists are known throughout the Galaxy as healers), Weather Sense, Transfer Force, Danger Sense, Thermogenesis, Weather Control, Predict Natural Disaster, Transmutation, Lightsaber Combat.
Although the Jedi Knights are devoted to peace, they understand the Galaxy is not perfect and violence is a necessary evil. These noble Samurai do not believe in peace through superior firepower . . . but superior compassion. Life is precious and should only be taken as a last resort. The Warriors are the primary peacekeepers. They are sent wherever there is strife, anarchy, or the Sith. An obvious example of a Warrior is Ulic Qel-Droma.
![]() Warrior Masters: Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi
Skills: Dodge, Survival, First-Aid, Stamina, Tactics, Lightsaber, Melee Parry, Brawling, Lightsaber Technology and Running.
Powers: Lightsaber Combat, Danger Sense, Combat Sense, Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Remain Conscious, Lesser Force Shield, Magnify Senses, Force Bolt and Reduce Injury.
Total Powers: Control = 5, Sense = 5, and Alter = 1.
Recommend Studying: All "Healing" Powers, Dim Other’s Senses, Enhanced Coordination, Enhance Attribute, Magnify Senses, Resist Stun, Greater Force Shield, Remove Fatigue, Anticipation, Transfer Force, Raise/Break Morale and Affect Mind.
Training at the Academy:
Training at the Academy, or at a Praxeum, is slightly different than usual training. Through thousands of years of trial, error, and refining, the Jedi Masters have developed very efficient means of educating. Whenever a character is at a Praxeum, or the Academy, and wishes to learn a new power or increase his knowledge in a skill (provided he has already been taught that skill), add the Master’s die code in instructing (a Perception based skill) with the pupil’s die code in Knowledge and roll against Very Difficult (modified by resources available. i.e. Tomes, a library or Holocron.... GM’s call). For every full five points the total beats the difficulty by, reduce Point Cost and time required learning by one; one Character Point equals one-day training. No matter how spectacular the roll, training always costs at least one Character Point and takes at least one day of intensive training.
After Graduation:
Once a Master is satisfied with his pupil’s performance he has the authority, granted by the Academy, to promote the Apprentice to Adept. The Master than sends the Adept on whatever errands he wishes (reporting all the while to the Academy). After the Adept displays proper understanding of the Jedi Code, the Master may promote the Adept to the rank of Guardian. The Guardian is still in the servitude of his Master and after demonstrating superior resourcefulness, true understanding of the Light, and a score of at least 7 pts (total) in all Force Skills, he goes before the ruling council of the local Praxeum and may, on an unanimous vote only, be promoted to the rank of Knight. At this point a Jedi is still bound to his Master but is usually given freedom to conduct his own business. When a Jedi gains a score of at least 10 pts (total) in all Force Skills he may, with the recommendation of his local Praxeum, travel to the Academy and undergo review of the Ruling Council for the rank of Master. As with the rank of Knight, the vote must be unanimous. The next, and highest, rank in the Jedi Knights is that of Grand Master. There may only be nine Grand Masters, the Ruling Council of the Academy, at any given time. They hold their office until death or retirement and may only be replaced by a Master with an equivalent rating in all Force Skills who has the support of 90% of the Jedi (ranks Adept through Master) and the support of all members of the Ruling Council. Once a Jedi obtains a seat on the Ruling Council he has achieved the greatest honor available to a Jedi. All members of the Ruling Council are equal regardless of seniority.
![]() The Weapons of the Jedi & "Other" Force Affiliates
Weapon Descriptions:
In addition to the traditional lightsaber, several more exotic (and if they’re exotic for Jedi, they must be rare!!) weapons were produced by the Jedi. All are character scale, and normally unavailable, even to most Jedi. All have the same inherent danger to the user as the Lightsaber, except for the Teepo Blaster. All listed damages are considered "base" as if constructed with a natural gem. Reduce damage by 1pt if synthetic gems are used.
Type: Compact lightsaber
Skill: Lightsaber - Lightdagger
Difficulty: Difficult
This is a smaller version of the lightsaber. The handle was usually 13cm long (as opposed to 25-30cm), and slightly slimmer than the saber’s. The blade is only about 20cm long, instead of the normal 60-70cm length of a lightsaber. It was typically used for training or utility purposes, or carried by Jedi as a combat backup (often used as Daisho).
Dual-setting Lightsaber
Type: Variable length Energy Sword
Skill: Lightsaber - lightsaber
Difficulty: Difficult (setting 1), Very Difficult (setting 2)
**Must state setting to be used at the start of the turn.**
This is a rare and unusual variation on the normal lightsaber, in that it had two different settings. In the first, it has the normal length, but more powerful, as the traditional lightsaber. In the second setting, the blade losses about 15% of it’s power, but doubles in length. This extra length is useful for keeping others at a greater distance, but makes it much more unwieldy to deflect blaster bolts and attack.
For these reason, it used primarily by young, reckless Jedi, who eventually decide to keep it in its first setting, or going to a traditional saber. It was, however, popular with some Jedi who rode into battle on beast back. The dual nature of the blade often gave it a stunning blade-within-a-blade appearance, with one color forming the core, and a second, clearly different one forming the outside sheath. Less than two hundred examples were ever made.
Double-bladed Lightsaber (Lightstaff)
Type: Double-ended Energy Staff
Skill: Lightsaber - double saber
Difficulty: Very Difficult
Most specimens may be used as a regular lightsaber (specialty Lightsaber: lightsaber), but without the parry bonus. Must declare at the beginning of the round.
An ultra rare light weapon, the double lightsaber consisted of an elongated handle (about 2.25 times the normal length), which projects a blade from each end. This gave it the versatility and speed against attacks of a quarterstaff, but made it MUCH more dangerous to the user. For this reason, it could usually be used like a normal, single bladed lightsaber. This was considered by many Jedi to be a Dark Side weapon, mainly because its most famous user was the Sith Lord Exar Kun. Less than a dozen examples where ever made.
Type: Stun Effect Energy Sword
Skill: Lightsaber: Lightsaber
Difficulty: Difficult
Incapable of cutting matter, the Stun Saber produced a neurological shock to the target, who would wake up in about ten minutes with a planet shattering headache. This made a perfect weapon for dealing with an unruly mob that the Jedi can not pacify. It handles exactly like a lightsaber, making it the perfect training weapon. Unfortunately, it can not block projectiles or blaster bolts. Less than fifty are believed to have been made.
Force Lash
Type: Wave-guide channeled energy blade
Difficulty: Moderate
Skill: Lightsaber - Force Lash
The Force Lash, when deactivated, looks much like a lightsaber handle. The actual lash is a telescoping wave guide, approximately 80cm long. The guide is encased in energy. This guide (and the energy wrapped around it) is somewhat flexible, but not enough to wrap around the target. It was used as a training aid, although some Jedi (especially Baadu and Dark Siders) carried them instead of a lightsaber.
Type: Flexible, wave-guide energy lash
Difficulty: Very Difficult
Skill: Lightwhip
The lightwhip is the prized weapon of many Sith and Dark Jedi, but only a scant handful of Jedi. Similar in many respects to the Force Lash, the Lightwhips were harnessed energy coiled around incredibly strong, 2.5 to 4.5m long (length varies between users, and is based, in part, on the builder’s height), alloy whips. They can easily cut through the strongest metals in the hands of a skilled user. Because the lightwhip is flexible and unwieldy, it is very dangerous to the beginner, and those without any formal training are as much a danger to themselves as they to others. In the hands of a skilled user, however, the lightwhip is capable of deflecting blaster bolts and solid projectiles, in addition to its formidable capabilities.
Light Boomerang
Type: Energy field assisted boomerang
Difficulty: Variable
Skill: (A) Light Boomerang
The light boomerang was at one time a highly prized weapon, used primarily by Jedi who enjoyed showing off or where on the front lines of the Sith conflicts. Today, there are none believed to still exist, and only a scant handful of scholars know of it’s existence. Like the light whip and force lash, it uses crystal, wave-guide and mirror technology to create an energy field around the actual weapon. For safety reasons, it may only be activated telekinetically, otherwise the user’s hand would be instantly removed. Once thrown, the Jedi would be able to guide his weapon against several targets in one throw. Attempting to use this weapon without intense training is suicidal.
Light Claws
Type: Energy-blade claws
Difficulty: Moderate
Skill: Lightsaber - lightclaws
Damage: It is believed that some models where as powerful as true lightsabers
Notes: These may also be used to deflect blaster bolts.
This is an unusual weapon, used mainly by Dark Jedi Assassins. They may be concealed in the sleeves of a tunic or robe. Each claw emits a pair of blades about a meter long. They may also be used to help climbers.
Teepo Master’s Blaster
Type: Custom made blaster pistol
Skill: Blaster - pistol
Ammo: 100
These weapons were wielded by Masters ONLY. Most Paladins carried stock, commercial models. This weapon is a custom made blaster, built by individual Masters. Each weapon, like a lightsaber, is made to a typical template, but each Master would make his blaster to fit his own needs. Some weapons have longer range and lower power ratings. Others have iron sights, but some have optics or reflex sights. Each set of grips was custom made to fit the hand of the Master, with the powerpack type often changing to fit a particular Master’s idea of balance and ergonomics. The balance matched to their personal shooting stance. Some didn’t even have triggers, instead relying on the Force. Each weapon was tuned to fight it’s builder like a glove. Less than a dozen pairs of Master’s Blasters are known to still be in existence.
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