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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Sith Lore
![]() ![]() ALTER
Bolt of Hatred - The Sith lord can create a radiant sphere of pure hatred, then hurl it at his opponent. The target takes actual physical damage.
Dark Side Web - The character can summon strands of Dark Side power that wrap and entangle the Sith lord's target in an enmeshing brilliance. The Dark Energy net severs the connection between the Force and the victim, then saps the strength from his body. If the Sith lord loses concentration, the Dark Side Web will disappear.
Aura of Uneasiness - The Sith lord can project a field of discomfort around himself, this causes nonsentient creatures to avoid him.
Electronic Manipulation - The character can channel his anger and hatred into the circuits of a computer, droid or any other machine and reprogram it by manipulating its physical and electrical components. The Sith lord must be very angry to use this power, which is why the Light Jedi can not use this skill.
Waves of Darkness - The character delves into the darkness of his spirit and summons the feelings of hatred, jealousy, greed and rage that linger in his psyche. Using the Force as a propellant, he expels the vile feelings in waves of Dark Side energy that radiate in an expanding sphere. Anyone caught in the disturbance suffers instant confusion, and then flees in abject terror seconds later.
Drain Life Energy - The character can draw power from nearby nonsentient life forms to boost his ability to go without sleep. As long as the Sith lord can find any kind of life to draw energy from, he will not fatigue or need to sleep. Using this power depends on the supply of insects, rodents, birds and other wildlife. This power may not be used to draw energy from sentient life.
Memory Wipe - This horrible power allows the Sith lord to sift through a beings mind and obliterate all knowledge of specific events, or learned skills. The character must be in direct contact with his victim, and only one specific objective may be pursued at a time.
Immobilize - The character can project a bolt, similar to a Bolt of Hatred, that renders the target motionless and helpless. The extent to which someone is held this way is based on Perception, Willpower, or Sense (whichever is highest). The Sith's Sense attribute will be matched up against the targets defense (either Perception, Willpower, or Sense). The length of time that the targt can be held is the difference between the Sith's Sense and the targets defense (this length of time is in seconds. Of course, if the target's defense is higher than the Sith's Sense, nothing will happen.
*It is important to understand why this is a Sith power. At first glance this seems like a reasonable thing to be able to do, and it must have applications that aren't malignant. True, but the basis of this power is Mind Control, which is a Dark Side talent.*
Soul Fire - The Sith lord is able to create a burst of energy in the form of actual flame, doing damage equal to the character's Control attribute.
Force Wind - The Sith lord can channel air currents to form powerful cyclones that can lift people into the air and toss them about.
![]() Sith Disciplines
Like the Jedi, the Sith developed areas of study that they chose to specialize in. These did not form into actual schools of training (like Control, Sense, and Alter), and personal preference caused many Sith magicians to concentrate on one aspect over another. The powers above are examples from these disciplines. Unfortunately, the majority of the Sith powers have been lost to time.
General - Some Sith abilities can not be categorized, or fit into two or more different disciplines. Therefore, their powers fall into the general category.
Body - This Sith discipline deals with everything from simple healing techniques to the creation of Sithspawn - hideous monsters bred from naturally evolved creatures. Some Sith cultures have labeled these sorcerers as necromancers, but this designation places the discipline into the area of superstitious alchemy.
Energy - Certain Force abilities invoke energy from the user's surroundings and direct it at a target for some purpose (usually bodily harm for the target). These energies include lightning, fire, gravity, and other naturally occurring forces.
Illusions - Many Sith magicians favored the aspect of the Dark Side that allowed them to fool their victims with a twisted exhibition of the power of mind over the body. The target experiences effects that seem all too real, but the visions only exist in the dreamscape of the mind. The Sith lord who practices this dark art can cast sinister illusions that drive the victim to insane conclusions about their surroundings. The victim will invariably make a bad decision and cause his own death.
Mind - Powers in this discipline prey on the minds of the victim, altering the thoughts and memories without the individual's awareness. These infernal powers allow Sith devotees to beguile and dominate their targets, forcing them to take actions they would not normally take under usual circumstances.
Mechanical - Untold thousands of years ago the Sith discovered how to use the Force to affect mechanical constructs. All but a few of the powers in this discipline have fallen into obscurity, since very few magicians had more than a momentary interest in this area. Dark rumors do exist, from tales found in Sith Holocrons, of half-being/half-mechanical creatures created by sorcerers who had achieved a great knowledge of the more theoretical aspect of this discipline. No actual record exists of these constructs existence, so speculation remains as to whether or not this was a possibility.
Protection - Force-users are always seeking ways to protect themselves from the effects of other Force-users, as well as other forms of attack. Interest in this discipline always seems to rise during times of revolt. Every time the Jedi begin to pose a serious threat to Sith devotees, interest in these protective powers seems to increase.
![]() Sith Artifacts
The Sith constructed powerful objects to serve certain purposes such as talismans, daggers, swords and statues. Here is a short list of some common artifacts.
Concentration Talisman - Sith used these to focus their energy during long, intricate rites (those typically associated with harnessing vast amounts of Dark Side power). These devices have a major flaw. When at the completion of the task, the user of such a talisman succumbed to exhaustion. This prevented the use of these trinkets in battles.
Ensnarement Talisman - These devices are sinister, indeed! Working like a concentration talisman, they have the added ability to turn the wielder immediately to the Dark Side. This was added to many Sith artifacts to prevent Jedi from using them without paying a price.
Healing Talisman - Many Sith disciples created talismans of healing to give their forces superiority in combat encounters. The devices endow the holder with the same benefits as the Jedi power of Accelerate Healing.
Force Mask - Using the Force sends ripple-waves throughout the galaxy, alerting anyone attuned to the Force (of course there is a question of proximity and how powerful the Force-user is). The Sith learned techniques that could mask this natural occurrence, and created their Force Masks to cancel out the natural "waves" made when using the Force.
Shield Talisman - One of the first Dark Side devices discovered and studied by the Jedi. This talisman protects its wearer from energy and Force attacks. To sustain its ability to function, this device requires a refueling of energy approximately once a week.
Translation Talisman - The ancient Sith tomes, describing Sith history and disciplines, are written in the ancient language of the Sith. For the benefit of the uninitiated, this talisman enables the wearer to read and pronounce the ancient language.
Sith Sword - These dark and deadly weapons can withstand any punishment. Made indestructible by sorcery, their blades can even parry lightsabers! These weapons have survived the millenium with sharp edges and straight blades.
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